• Article
  • Apr.6.2017

Exocet 2.11 allows you to talk straight between JIRA Service Desk and JIRA Software

  • Apr.6.2017
  • Reading time mins

Are you a JIRA user? Please raise your hand. How about a JIRA Service Desk user? Keep your hand up.

Now, do you have respective support and software teams each working on their own designated projects but wanting to communicate? Put your hand higher so we can high five you – this release of Exocet is dedicated to you! 

The new version of Exocet simplifies communication between your JIRA Service Desk customers and other JIRA Software users. Let’s see how.

Projects without borders

Exocet is typically used when many teams – working on their own projects – want to share information. Let’s see how this new version can be used to simplify their usage of JIRA.


Open communication between dev teams and customers

When working with JIRA Service Desk projects, our users often face a limitation; comments synchronised from a standard JIRA project (Core or Software) to a JIRA Service Desk project are not visible to customers if the original author is not an agent on the JIRA Service Desk project.

The known workaround is to create a dedicated account that non-agents use to double post their comments on the Service Desk requests. They have to log-out from their JIRA account, log-in to the group JIRA Service Desk account and post their comment on the project.

As the above is a waste of time, this new version of Exocet improves upon this workflow.

Now, comments posted by non-agents on a JIRA project can be synchronised into a JIRA Service Desk project using the identity of an agent, allowing for these comments to be visible to your customers!

No more borders – your development team can now freely communicate with customers without having to juggle with multiple accounts!

Keep your secrets private

Finally, dev teams can now talk to customers!  But what about the internal comments? What about the discussions between the QA team and the product owner? Between developers and designers?

If you don’t want everything to be visible to your customers, we get it – and it’s completely normal.

With this version, you can ask Exocet to only synchronise comments without a security configuration.  In other words, your dev team only needs to limit their comments to a group or role to prevent the synchronisation into a more public space.

Tag your configuration elements


The goal of Exocet is to facilitate the execution of your company’s processes. It can answer needs of various teams, from human resources, marketing, development and sales.

This flexibility can easily lead to dozens or hundreds of configuration elements (the current record is around 300 operations!), and therefore finding a specific configuration when you want to implement a change in your process can be frustrating.

To save time and let you focus on your core business activities, you can now add labels to your configurations. They are very similar to JIRA’s labels and can be used with the same logic.

Just organise your configuration the way you want (by department, geographically, etc.) by adding labels and use the input on the top right corner to filter the visible configurations.

If you have any questions or suggestions on our new release, don’t hesitate to get in touch by leaving a comment below the line. Otherwise, our new release is ready to try! Click on the button below to try it out for free.

Try Exocet for JIRA today

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